

Robeez makes shoes for newborns to two year-olds that promote healthy foot development while being fashionable and fun to wear. Their footwear mimics bare feet by flexing and bending with every step. Robeez headquarters is located in Vancouver Canada. My role was to redesign their digital experience and develop a mufti-language platform to support international catalogs of product.


With the branding still evolving the website needed to be clean and the shopping experience needed to be seamless with marketing and the product to be focused. As my primary concern was making the language experience intuitive, the entire database used a dynamic translation service to drive the CMS. Bleeding edge technology of the time.





The browse experience needed to have a familiar feel to it’s design and flow so a traditional browse and product navigation was used. This project was super fun to do, and had I had kids at the time I would never needed another pair of kids shoes… ever.

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